Let Me Introduce You To Your New Favorite Chip

Meet Ellen Sarem.  She's one of three finalists in the Lays "Do Us A Flavor" contest and I think she should win.  Why?  1) Because she's from San Antonio, 2) she's absolutely adorable, and, most importantly 3) her Crispy Taco idea is GLORIOUS!  

No, really.  It tastes JUST like a crispy taco!  You can taste the meat and the veggies and the sour cream and the cheese.  It's unbelievable.  We did a taste test around the station and, after the first bite, every single person exclaimed, "It really DOES taste like a crispy taco!"  We don't know how Lay's did it, but they DID IT!  

Ellen is just a regular gal like us.  She's getting married in March.  [Don't think we didn't suggest that she should have a crispy taco bar at her wedding!]  She's got an 11-month old son who could not be cuter.  She's a stay-at-home mom and the grand prize (one million dollars!) would really go far in taking the stress of money worries off her family.  

She's up against the everything bagel with cream cheese and the fried green tomatoes.  Both decent options, but nothing near as good as the CRISPY TACO!  You can vote every single day through October 8th.  VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE HERE!

I'm not sure when they'll be in stores (they have been spotted in Walmarts though) but you can buy them online today HERE.  

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